Maulana Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rahman wrote an Article “Problems of Slaughtering”, In which he discusses the Problems of Slaughtering and tells about the best way to do it.
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Dr Maulana Fazl-ur-Rahman Ansari gave the speech of “Rasoolullah Ka Maqame Azeem”. It has been published in book “Islam To The Modern Mind” this book is speeches collections, this speech was in English language. Hamid Ali Aleemi translated it into Urdu with particular references and foot notes so that most of the people can understand it easily.
Shah Abdul Aleem Siddiqui gave the speech of “Status of Women In Islam” in the country, Japan, in the year 1936, this speech was in English language. Faisal Ahmad Aleemi translated it into urdu with particular references and foot notes so those who can’t understand English they can understand it easily.
Basically this speech tells about importance of women. After reading this speech we would come to know that what are the rights of Father, Mother, and sister.
Dr Maulana Fazl-ur-Rahman Ansari gave the Speech of “Tafseer Soorah Fatiha” in the country, South Africa (Grasi Park) this speech was in English language. Hamid Ali Aleemi translated it into Urdu with particular references and foot notes so that most of the people can understand it easily.
This is an Article written by Maulana Sabir Noorani. In this Article Maulana Sabir Noorani Tells About “Hazrat Umar Bin Abdul Aziz”. The situation of the Country was worse before he took responsibilities of Caliph (Khalifa) but after taking the responsibilities the situation was quite changed and the time came when there were no illegal activities in the country. Maulana Sabir Noorani advised “Our leaders should follow him”.