An article, entitled “Atae Ilahi se Anbiya o Auliya ke akhtayarat” is written by Allama Ghulam Rasool Saeedi. In this article, Allama Sahab proved by presented some evidences in the light of Quraan and Hadis that we can ask help from the prophets and Auliya, because actually we ask from Allah but by offering Waseela of them. He also explains that Prophets and Auliya do not have authority by themselves but Allah provided him authority.
Allama Ghulam Rasool Saeedi is the author of Sharah Sahi Muslim (7 volumes), Tafseer e Tibyan ul Quran (12 volumes) and Sharah Bukhari (continues). He is Shaikh ul Hadis of Darul uloom Naeemiyah and instead of these books he has written many other great books that have almost published.
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