A question was asked to Imam Ahmed Raza Khan which is summarized as follows that is it permitted to say Ya Rasool Allah or Ya Ali? Imam Ahmad Raza wrote a booklet on this subject called "Anwar ul Intibah Fi Hille Nida Ya Rasool Allah" (ya rasool Allah kehne k jwaz k baray main tambihain). In this booklet, Imam Ahmad Raza proved in the light of Quran o Hadis and religious views that is permitted to say Ya Rasool Allah and Ya Ali. In the last, Ala Hazrat stated that those who think it is prohibited to say Ya Rasool Allah must read this and if they agree the truth will become apparent and if they refused they will become Kadir because he denied Quran o Ahadis. This article is being presented for the readers of deen e mubeen.
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